Thursday, September 18, 2008


We have had way too many hurricanes this year. For a while, we saw one coming right after another, and we had to wait for Meteorologists to give us the probable location of landfall.

What did people do before we had TV and computers to warn us of the potential danger?

We continue to pray for our friends in Baton Rouge and Houston.
(FYI: We survived Hurricane Frederick – Mobile 1979 and soon after moved away.)

Along with our hurricane affected friends, we pray for others who are going through storms:
-Sons and Daughters who make unwise decisions, and tear your heart out.
- Friends who are struggling with unemployment, layoffs, and job changes.
- Family members facing tough decisions.
-Medical problems that doctors have no answer for.
-Sons and Daughters away from home, keeping freedom strong.
-Folks who have put their life savings in the stock market.
-Disasters, Disunity, Disease, Divorce and Death.

When storms come …
songs of our past seem to rise up and remind us of the truth.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” P.18 Melodies of Praise
“The Lord’s our rock in Him we hide, a shelter in the time of storm.” P.24 MOP
“The tempest my sweep o’er the wild stormy deep; In Jesus I’m safe evermore.” P.28 MOP
“Through it all, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus” Andrea Crouch

Learning to trust God and be at peace is not easy ... especially right in the middle of a storm– that’s why we need each other.

We need to remind each other that our citizenship is not affected by elections, our source is not Wall Street, He is "Jehovah Jireh" and “He has never failed us yet.”

"There is coming a day, when no heart ache shall come, no more clouds in the sky and no more tears to dim the eye."

Be encouraged today, you are not forgotten and God knows where you are. Mom & Dad, your Prodigals are coming home. Your tears are only for a night, … JOY comes in the morning.

Trust Him in the midst of the storm – He is there with you.
Just keep Singing!


Jean Ohlerking said...

He gives peace in the midst of the storm-tossed life.

great post.

robert said...

It was your reference to Vernon Charlesworth's gospel song, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm," that caught my eye this morning. (Today is the 94th anniversary of his death.)

I can recall, years ago, being out in a hurricane. The wild wind made it difficult to stand, and the pellets of cold rain lashing my face were painful. It was a wonderful relief to reach the relative safety of a brick building!

It's no wonder hymn writers use such experiences as a picture of the many different storms of life we pass through. But the Lord, and His faithful promises, give us a sure anchor at such times.

If you enjoy learning about our hymns and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns.