Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Connecting to the Body of Christ - A Must for Every Believer!

I John 4:7-12 If we love God, we MUST love others. That is how God lives in us and how His love is made complete in us – when we love others!
You see - Building Spiritual Relationships is God’s Plan for real LIFE.
He fulfills that plan with willing participants ….YOU & ME!

Interesting Church Statistics about Satisfied Members:
The most satisfied church members in America worship at places where they feel like they belong, where they are valued and appreciated, and where friendships flourish.
High levels of satisfaction occur where members are Engaged, Energized and Deepened in their Faith.
Church-Based Friendships that extend outside the weekly worship services report exceptionally high levels of satisfaction.
Members who are engaged by their church (ministry involvement) are most likely to be pleased with the state of their church.
Involvement & Commitment generate the highest levels of church satisfaction.

Three ways that people feel like they belong:
(1) Affinity Groups – through shared interests, meaningful relationships develop.
(2) Assimilation – moving people from spectators to participants.
(3) Affability – friendly greeters, simply by saying/knowing their names.

Two ways to Facilitate Relationships at Church:
(1) Be a Best Friend - 85% Satisfied members have friendships that extend outside
the weekly worship service.
(2) Share a Meal Together – 77% Satisfied members have eaten a meal with people in
their congregation in the last year.

Cultures of Connectivity - How to Attract & Retain People
Friendships with other church members is the main reason respondents say they join a church.
Q. How do these friendships develop?
A. Through Fellowship or Fun Times!

Group Facts You should know:
1. The Family Factor: after 18 months the group locks up!
2. The Size Factor: at 10 adult members you’ve peaked!
3. The Spin-Off Factor: allows your group to continue to be effective!

Q. Is there any correlation between relationships, a strong church and making a person’s faith strong?
A. “For every measure of spiritual maturity tested in this survey, those members who have deep friendships at church are significantly more likely to practice their faith commitments more regularly and rank spiritual maturity higher than church members who don’t have as much connection with other people at their church.” D. Michael Lindsay

Ø Connections build Encouragement!
Ø Connections increase Accountability!
Ø Connections create opportunities for Faith to Grow!

A Hermit may get to heaven by knowing Jesus. But his spiritual maturity will be lacking because he missed the interaction of other Christians … and Non-Christians. That interaction Tests our Faith and sands our rough areas. We become MORE like Jesus after we pass the tests of doing life together with others!

Q. Do friendships have anything to do with churches attracting and keeping people?
A. “The key for helping parishioners deepen their faith is relatively simple: create a faith community that values relationships; spiritual transformation will follow.”
D. Michael Lindsay

“One in 3 members of these super-friendly churches volunteer at their church at
least once a week, which is more than double those who attend less-friendly
churches.” (31% vs. 12%)

Q. Is there a secret to helping people put their faith into action?
A. Yes! Do LIFE Together! Model a servant. Do ministry with them!
“Americans desire not only friendly churches but also caring communities of faith.”

Q. What steps can we take to help people get Connected in the body of Christ?
A. “The silver bullet for spiritual depth is not a successful outreach program or an in-depth Bible study; it is instead, a faithful community of love and friendship.”
D. Michael Lindsay “ The power of the data is impressive.”

“People friendly congregations are places where friendships flourish and acts of caring are common, and the two go together.”

“Relationship is at the core of Christian community, and relationship can only occur in the presence of knowing and being known.”

I Cor. 12:24 & 25 “God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.

When we learn to worship the Father, He shows up & changes us. When we hang out with the Father, & with others who love the Father, His ways become our ways. When His heart becomes our heart … we see that the harvest is ready & we submit to His call & become a harvester. Evangelism happens when our eyes see the hurting & the lost and our feet follow to do something about it!

So we MUST:
1. Love them in the Parking Lot.
2. Love them at the Front Door.
3. Love them at Check-In with their kids.
4. Love them in the Hall, Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, & the Coffee Shop.
5. Invite them to Join YOU in fellowship … in a Small Group!
6. Teach them (Model It)- to love the world by Serving & Sharing!