Monday, August 04, 2008

36 years ago today.
Yes, it was hot that day and sticky. What do you expect from Alabama in August?
I know that many of you still wonder how it happened.
(Marrying UP is Not Always Easy. – A new book I’m writing.)

In the Beginning
It all started at CBC in August of 1970. We met in a music room, tried out for RT together, went to Convocation at Central A/G together and then stayed apart for 8 long months. (Her choice - not mine.) We had a total of 4 dates in that first weekend of school.

I needed some Supernatural Intervention.
It seems God did not speak very clearly to Jan in those first few months at CBC. It took a few 7:30 AM classes and a public speaking class with Sister Reddin, to open her mind. At that class, she shared a speech on her perfect husband. Later, we found out that Sister Reddin was thinking about me during Jan’s speech. Now that’s a confirmation. But she didn’t tell Jan until much later. Thanks a lot Sister Reddin!

The RT Banquet
It was springtime in Springfield and I thought I would give it one more try. I invited Jan to be my date at the RT Banquet. It was one of those dress-up occasions. Hey, if a tux helps …I was willing. She was nudged by her room mate to go with me. Thanks again, Nancy! And we were engaged 8 months later. Then we married on August 4th, 1972.
(If you need more details, check back for earlier posts.) BTW: My Supernatural help came from Bud Larson - Who knew what a marimba could do? Forget Kenny G - get Larson's 8 Track Tape!

What Time Teaches:
If we had only had some idea of what the future held – we would have been better prepared. We could teach a graduate course in MOVING. But know this - God has always been FAITHFUL! I’m not sure what people do, that try to make it through life without God. He has been our Gorrila Glue, our Triple Antibiotic Ointment and our Xanax . How does anyone face this life without knowing God is in control? (Somebody play "Through It All".)

Looking back over those 36 years, we have faced many uphill climbs, but we’ve always been climbing together and God has led every step of the way.
FYI: He was in Puyallup and even in Covina!

Don’t SPEND Time … USE it!
The one thing that time has taught us, is to use every minute, make every moment count for eternity.

Jan is Still the One
If my heart ever stops, no need for CPR or electric shock, just bring Jan into the room. It worked in August of 1970 and it still works today ….she truly is…Still the One!

The Secret to Marrying UP
Okay, it’s time to reveal the secret you’ve all been waiting for:
Here it is ….
Come close, closer …(Jan does not have 20-20 vision.)